Customize Core Open Match

This guide covers how to customize your Open Match deployment.

Open Match needs to be customized to your Matchmaker. This custom configuration is provided to the Open Match components via a ConfigMap (om-configmap-override). Thus, starting the core service pods waits on this config map being available.

To customize an Open Match installation, we need to provide a ConfigMap with the sample configuration. Here is a sample YAML that contains the customization ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: om-configmap-override
  namespace: open-match
  matchmaker_config_override.yaml: |-
    # Specifies the hostname and port of the evaluator that Open Match should talk to.
        hostname: "om-evaluator"
        grpcport: "50508"
        httpport: "51508"
    # Specifies if we should turn on/off the synchronizer.
    #   - If on, specifies the registrationInterval and proposalCollectionInterval in milliseconds.
      enabled: true
      registrationIntervalMs: 3000ms
      proposalCollectionIntervalMs: 2000ms    

To configure Open Match with your custom config, create a new YAML file with this content, make your edits and run this command:

kubectl apply -f <filename_here>

The Evaluator Guide gives an overview of Synchronization, Evaluation and all the related configuration.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Open Match override configmap and their default values.


Supported Backend Parameter Description Default
zPages Serves HTTP server runtime profiling data in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool under /debug/pprof path
telemetry.zpages.enabled Enable zPages support on Open Match core services true
Jaeger An open source, end-to-end distributed tracing.
telemetry.jaeger.enabled Enable Jaeger exporter on Open Match core services false
telemetry.jaeger.samplerFraction Setup Jaeger exporter to randomly sample a trace with this probability. For example, with samplerFraction: 0.5 approximately 1 out of 2 traces will be sampled 1
telemetry.jaeger.agentEndpoint AgentEndpoint instructs exporter to send spans to jaeger-agent at this address. open-match-jaeger-agent:6831
telemetry.jaeger.collectorEndpoint CollectorEndpoint is the full url to the Jaeger HTTP Thrift collector. open-match-jaeger-collector:14268/api/traces
telemetry.prometheus.enabled Enable Prometheus exporter on Open Match core services false
telemetry.prometheus.endpoint Bind the Prometheus exporters to the specified endpoint handler, also configures the k8s scraping annotations /metrics
telemetry.prometheus.serviceDiscovery If Prometheus is enabled and serviceDiscover: true, add the Prometheus scraping annotations to each Pod of the Open Match core services true
telemetry.stackdriverMetrics.enabled Enable Stackdriver Metric exporter on Open Match core services false
telemetry.stackdriverMetrics.prefix MetricPrefix overrides the prefix of a Stackdriver metric display names to help you better identifies your metrics open_match
telemetry.grafana.enabled Enable Grafana exporter on Open Match core services false

Last modified January 18, 2024